State Expands Options to Set Up Appointments for COVID-19 Vaccinations


MONTGOMERY COUNTY, Tenn. – The State of Tennessee opened a new website portal and added a phone number today in order to improve appointment services for COVID-19 vaccinations to Tennessee residents.

The website for Montgomery County can be accessed at This website is available to assist those in meeting the criteria to register for COVID-19 vaccinations during the current phase. Tennessee is now in Phase 1a, which is subdivided into two phases: Phase 1a1 for in-patient health care providers, first responders with direct exposure to the public and staff members and residents of long-term care facilities, and Phase 1a2 for those primarily working in outpatient health care settings as well as citizens of Montgomery County 75-years-of-age and older.
Additionally, the State of Tennessee has set up a call center with the number 866-442-5301 to assist in scheduling appointments for the vaccination. You can also call the Montgomery County Health Department at 931-648-5747 to set up an appointment.
Please do not attempt to register by accessing the registration website or by calling the phone number provided to help with registration unless you meet the criteria for the current phase. Verification will be requested on-site before vaccinations will be administered. Anyone interested in finding out what eligibility phase they fit into can visit the COVID-19 information portal at